Tag Archives: Inspiration

“A Kid that Went Down Fighting, and Didn’t Really Lose”

It was only a little over a week since I shared Zach Sobiech’s song, “Clouds” on my blog. Unfortunately, Zach’s journey has come to a close. He passed away on May 20, 2013. I just recently heard about Zach and his fight with cancer, but from watching the few videos that I have seen, I feel as if I knew him personally.

I don’t think I have ever seen anyone with so much happiness and such a positive outlook on life. Today, I came across this video that truly summed up his life. After watching this video, I feel empowered to live life to its fullest potential. Zach said in his video that you should strive to make people happy and make the world a better place to live.  My vow to the world is that I personally carry that out on my end.

This is a 20 minute video, but every second is worth it! His quote at the end of the video is that he wishes to be remembered as “a kid that went down fighting, and didn’t really lose.” I am sure that is how many people will remember him. Thank you Zach for the inspiration! God bless you and your family! I will never forget your story!

What Would You Do with Only Months To Live?

Today I bring you a story of inspiration. Please read this post, share it with friends and family, and pray for Zach and his family.

Zach Sobiech (17 years old) has been battling osteosarcoma since 2009. Osteosarcoma, for those who do not know, is a type of bone cancer. It begins in the bone, and then if not treated successfully, can spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs (“Childhood Cancer: Osteosarcoma,” 2011). As of May 2012, the cancer spread into his lungs and pelvis, and unfortunately there are no more effective treatments. His doctors have given him only months to live.

Zach, even though he is battling cancer, is a very strong individual. Knowing that he only has months, Zach writes and performs songs as a way to say goodbye to the people that he loves most. He plans on living every day and not backing down. The song below, “Clouds,” is one of the songs that he has written and performed.

Before watching this video, I encourage you to take a moment and think about your life. Zach is faced with a life-threatening disease and has not given up on life. Whenever we have things in our life that discourage us, whether it is serious or trivial, remember Zach. Don’t let any problem stand in your way from enjoying life.

For Zach, I believe that he should never give up. No matter how grim the future looks, there is always a chance of recovery. That chance comes from people like you and me, who pray for Zach and his family. It doesn’t matter if you are Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, or an atheist. Whether you are praying to God or meditating to yourself, every thought goes a long way. I’ll now let you watch the video below:

Thank you for reading this post. Please share this, retweet this, or whatever method you prefer to spread Zach’s story. Never give up!

For Information on Osteosarcoma:
KidsHealth, 2011. “Childhood Cancer: Osteosarcoma.” http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/cancer/cancer_osteosarcoma.html#

For Donations:
Zach Sobiech Osteosarcoma Fund – To fund research on osteosarcoma

To Download “Clouds”, Visit iTunes:
All proceeds benefit the Zach Sobiech Osteosarcoma Fund.